Sunday 27 May 2018

Object Oriented Analysis and Design - MCQS

AC001. Which of the following does not belong to OOAD?
Select one:
a. Swim lane diagram
b. Fully dressed use case
c. State transition diagram
d. Domain model

The correct answer is: Fully dressed use case

CA019 A boundary class is an analysis class that represents _____.
Select one:
a. the user interface or Presentation layer of a system
b. the interface between the client and middleware tiers in a system
c. an intermediary or interface to something outside the system
d. an API that is supplied by a third-party vendor and used to integrate with an external system

The correct answer is: an intermediary or interface to something outside the system

STQ102 Which phase of unified process model focuses over system conversions and user training?
Select one:
a. Inception
b. Construction
c. Elaboration
d. Transition

The correct answer is: Transition

JNQ109. When acceptance testing is performed in Agile development?
Select one:
a. At the end of each iteration
b. After system is ready
c. Daily
d. On request of customer

The correct answer is: At the end of each iteration

SKQ106 An object is considered an external entity in object-oriented modelling
Select one:
a. its attributes change during operation of the system
b. it has no attributes relevant to the system
c. its attributes are invariant during operation of the system
d. it has numerous attributes

The correct answer is: its attributes are invariant during operation of the system

CA009 Which of the following is a technique for hiding the internal implementation details of an object?
Select one:
a. Abstraction
b. Encapsulation
c. Inheritance
d. Polymorphism

The correct answer is: Encapsulation

CA017 What are the components of a structured class?
Select one:
a. ports, roles, and threads
b. roles, ports, and connectors
c. attributes, roles, and ports
d. messages, connectors, and roles

The correct answer is: roles, ports, and connectors

MDQ102 The three types of relationships use cases have in a use case diagram include?
Select one:
a. Elaboration, generalization, boundarization
b. Inclusion, representation, realization
c. Extension, representation, elaboration
d. Extension, inclusion, and generalization

The correct answer is: Extension, inclusion, and generalization

VVKQ105 Attributes are assigned value
Select one:
a. When methods are invoked
b. When instances of objects are defined
c. When operations are performed on an object
d. When classes are identified

The correct answer is: When instances of objects are defined

JNQ104. Which of the following UML diagrams has a static view?
Select one:
a. Activity
b. State chart
c. Collaboration
d. Use case

The correct answer is: Use case

CA035 The designing phase includes the following activities, EXCEPT
Select one:
a. Designing the user interface
b. Designing the application architecture
c. Designing the project team
d. Designing and integrating the network

The correct answer is: Designing the project team

CA030 A class is
Select one:
a. template for objects of a particular type
b. a class of objects
c. a classification of objects
d. a group of objects

The correct answer is: template for objects of a particular type

SKQ103 What type of core-relationship is represented by the symbol in the figure below?
relationship symbols

Select one:
a. Dependency
b. Aggregation
c. Association
d. Generalization

The correct answer is: Aggregation

AE002) Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically.It provides a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.
Select one:
a. Adapter
b. Composite
c. Chain of responsibility
d. Decorator

The correct answer is: Decorator

AE003) Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. It lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.
Select one:
a. Template method
b. Strategy
c. Decorator
d. Visitor

The correct answer is: Strategy

UMQ103. Which of the following process model is best suited for developing object-oriented systems?
Select one:
a. Unified Process model
b. Prototype model
c. Waterfall model
d. Spiral model

The correct answer is: Unified Process model

CA039 Which of the following relationships are used in a use-case diagram?
Select one:
a. Communication
b. ALL given choices
c. Extends
d. Uses

The correct answer is: ALL given choices

SHQ105. Which of these are the heuristics ?
Select one:
a. Stick to binary associations
b. Name classes, attributes, and roles with noun phrases
c. All of the mentioned
d. Name operations and associations with verb phrases

The correct answer is: All of the mentioned

CA023 The essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from all other kinds of objects and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries, relative to the perspective of the viewer is called
Select one:
a. Encapsulation
b. Hierarchy
c. Modularity
d. Abstraction

The correct answer is: Abstraction

JNQ103. Product backlog is prioritized by
Select one:
a. Product owner
b. Scrum master
c. All the given options
d. Scrum team

The correct answer is: Product owner

CA008 constructor operation does which of the following?
Select one:
a. Updates an existing instance of a class
b. Creates a new instance of a class
c. Deletes and existing instance of a class
d. All of the given choices.

The correct answer is: Creates a new instance of a class

VIDQ105 The most common way to depict the functional model is by using the______________?
Select one:
a. Diagrams?
b. Tables?
c. Flowcharts?
d. DFD!

The correct answer is: DFD!

CA015 During analysis an architect is concerned about _____.
Select one:
a. implementation
b. behavioral
c. technology
d. deployment

The correct answer is: behavioral

CA027 Inheritance in object-oriented modelling can be used to
Select one:
a. generalize classes
b. specialize classes
c. generalize and specialize classes
d. create newclasses

The correct answer is: generalize and specialize classes

A tagged value extends the --------------- of a UML building block.
Select one:
a. Definition
b. Properties
c. Vocabulary
d. Semantics

Answer: Properties

The object act and react in state change and message passing, this is knows as ---------
Select one:
a. State of an object
b. None of the given options
c. Behaviour
d. Parameter passing

Answer: Behaviour

Which of the following is not one of the elements of a design pattern?
Select one:
a. Context
b. Problem
c. Solution
d. Environment

Answer: Solution

Which of the following is not true
Select one:
a. Controller is a kind of Facade pattern
b. A controller object can handle multiple system events
c. A controller object helps identify out of sequence events
d. Controller pattern is used to control data

Answer: Controller pattern is used to control data

Given the following scenario: You want to create families of related objects, to be used interchangeably to configure you application. What is the most appropriate GoF pattern to use?
Select one:
a. Observer
b. Builder
c. Chain of Responsibility
d. Abstract Factory

Answer: Abstract Factory

______ provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.
Select one:
a. Fabrication
b. Abstracct Factory
c. Singleton
d. Factory Method

Answer: Abstract Factory

Which of the following is the first step in user interface design process?
Select one:
a. prototype the dialogue and the user interface
b. chart the dialogue
c. none of the given options
d. test the dialogue
e. re-design the dialogue

Answer: chart the dialogue

Which of the following are the efforts to the Systems Construction Phase?
Select one:
a. documentation
b. redesigned business processes
c. physical design specifications
d. design prototypes
e. all of the given options.

Answer: all of the given options

A package diagram consists of the following?
Select one:
a) Package symbols
b) Groupings of Use cases, classes, components
c) Interface
d)  both a and b

Answer:  both a and b [According to Bits- Answer is Interface but as per other sources answer is both a and b ]

Which of the following pattern creates object without revealing the creation logic to the user and refer to newly formed object using a common interface?
Select one:
a. Factory Pattern
b. Transfer Object Pattern
c. Abstract Factory Pattern
d. Singleton Pattern

Answer: Factory Pattern

Which of the following is not true
Select one:
a. High coupling leads to high change impact
b. High coupling makes it harder to reuse
c. High coupling makes the design easy to understand
d. High coupling means higher reliance on other objects

Answer: High coupling makes the design easy to understand

Which of the following is(are) the deliverables of the Systems Implementation phase?
Select one:
a. operational system
b. physical design specification
c. functional system
d. training materials

Answer: operational system

Which of the following are the primary inputs into the job of writing and testing fresh programs?
Select one:
a. both A and C
b. B database structure
c. A programming plan
d. D integration requirements
e. C test data

Answer: both A and C

Which of the following instruction-driven interfaces allows a customer to enter a question about a given product?
Select one:
a. mnemonic
b. textual
c. language-based
d. natural language
e. none of the given options

Answer: natural language

Most user interface design patterns fall with in one of ____ categories of patterns.
Select one:
a. 10
b. 5
c. 25
d. 100

Answer: 10

Which design pattern defines one-to-many dependency among objects?
Select one:
a. Facade Pattern
b. Observer pattern
c. Singleton pattern
d. Factory method pattern

Answer: Observer pattern

In a System sequence diagram, life lines are depicted as
Select one:
a. Bars
b. Horizontal arrows from actors to system.
c. Object classes
d. Dashed vertical lines extended downwards

Answer: Dashed vertical lines extended downwards

Which diagram depicts classes that correspond to software components that are used to build the software application?
Select one:
a. design class
b. state transition
c. sequence
d. none of the given options
e. state machine

Answer: design class

The messages of a Use case can be graphically depicted using
Select one:
a. Activity diagram
b. System sequence diagram
c. Composite diagram
d. Logical use case

Answer: System sequence diagram

Describe an interface for making an object, but let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate. It lets the instantiation vary to subclasses.
Select one:
a. Prototype
b. Builder
c. Factory Method
d. Abstract Factory

Answer: Abstract Factory

The recurring aspects of designs are called?
Select one:
a. Patterns
b. Structures
c. Documents
d. Methods

Answer: Patterns

MVC is a three layer architecture that contains a
Select one:
a. model, view, and controller
b. machine, view, content objects
c. machine, view, controller
d. model, view, and content objects

Answer: model, view, and controller

Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types, is suggested by
Select one:
a. LSP
b. OCP
c. DIP
d. SRP

Answer: LSP

Which of the following UML diagrams has a static view?
Select one:
a. State chart
b. Collaboration
c. Activity
d. Use case

Answer: Use case

Physical relationship between software components and the hardware in the delivered system can be shown by which diagrams?
Select one:
a. Deployment diagram
b. Class diagram
c. Domain model
d. Network diagram
e. Component diagram

Answer: Deployment diagram

A link is a subset of
Select one:
a. Realization
b. Generalization
c. Dependency
d. Association

Answer: Association

The process of grouping the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structure and behavior is called as
Select one:
a. Encapsulation
b. Entity Abstraction
c. Modularity
d. Hierarchy

Answer: Entity Abstraction

A class is divided into which of these compartments?
Select one:
a. Name Compartment
b. All of the mentioned
c. Attribute Compartment
d. Operation Compartment

Answer: All of the mentioned

Which of the following is(are) the UML level of visibility?
Select one:
a. both B and C
b. all A and B and C
c. A persistent
d. B public
e. C protected

Answer: both B and C

Which model depicts the image of a system that an end user creates in his or her head?
Select one:
a. design model
b. user model
c. system perception
d. system model

Answer: system perception

What is main benifit of Indirection?
Select one:
a. Lower cohesion
b. More number of small classes
c. Higher copuling
d. Lower coupling

Answer: Lower coupling

Which one of the tests is performed on a subset of a program?
Select one:
a. program test
b. unit test
c. stub test
d. subset test
e. system test

Answer: stub test

Which of these depicts the true definition for the UML extensions?
Select one:
a. A property is a characteristic of the entity designated by a model element
b. A constraint is the statement that must be true of the entities designated by one or more model elements
c. A stereotype is a UML model element given more specific meaning
d. All of the mentioned

Answer: All of the mentioned

Which of the following is the last phase of the Systems Construction phase?
Select one:
a. none of the given options
b. build and test databases
c. build and test networks
d. write and test new programs
e. prepare conversion plan

Answer: write and test new programs

Which of the following is(are) the task(s) of the Systems Conversion phase?
Select one:
a. prepare conversion plan
b. convert to new system
c. build and test networks
d. train users
e. none of the given options

Answer: build and test networks

Which design pattern ensures that only one object of particular class gets created?
Select one:
a. Observer Pattern
b. Strategy Pattern
c. Singleton Pattern
d. Facade Pattern

Answer: Singleton Pattern

Which of the following is not true regarding Facade pattern
Select one:
a. Provides simpler interface
b. Hides complexity
c. Exposes implementation details
d. Improves maintainability

Answer: Exposes implementation details

Which kind of menu is planned primarily for expert users as there is no visual clue to its presence?
Select one:
a. options Cascading
b. pull-down
c. Iconic
d. Pop-up
e. none of the given

Answer: Pop-up

Which of the tests is a last system test executed by end users using real data over an extended period of time?
Select one:
a. final test
b. parallel test
c. systems acceptance test
d. complete test
e. none of the given options

Answer: systems acceptance test

Which GRASP pattern helps to find out answer for "Who should be responsible for creating a new instance of some class?"?
Select one:
a. Creator
b. Fabircation
c. Adapter
d. Protected Vairation

Answer: Creator

Define one to many dependency among objects so that after one object changes state, all its dependents are alerted and updated automatically.
Select one:
a. Mediator
b. Chain of responsibility
c. Event Notification
d. Observer

Answer: Observer

A general purpose mechanism for organizing elements into groups
Select one:
a. Package
b. Component
c. Node
d. Class

Answer: Package

A Patter language
Select one:
a. None of the given options
b. Is implemented using hyper text
c. Encompasses a collection of patterns
d. Resembles the structure of natural language

Answer: Encompasses a collection of patterns

A class is divided into which of these compartments?
Select one:
a. Name Compartment
b. Operation Compartment
c. All of the mentioned
d. Attribute Compartment

Answer: All of the mentioned

In object oriented approach, objects are
Select one:
a. Discrete
b. Both Identical and Discrete
c. None
d. Identical

Answer: Discrete

A Relationship between use cases and collaborations can be viewed as
Select one:
a. Association
b. Generalization
c. Realization
d. Link

Answer: Realization

The person generally responsible for the program design strategy, standards, and construction is called a(n):
Select one:
a. systems analyst
b. backup chief programmer
c. chief programmer
d. network designer
e. program librarian

Answer: chief programmer

Which of these framework events are not normally associated with the user interface design processes?
Select one:
a. user and task analysis
b. interface validation
c. interface construction
d. cost estimation

Answer: cost estimation

When we want to replace a class with another class which is more efficient but has a different interface, which pattern comes handy?
Select one:
a. Strategy
b. Composite
c. Facade
d. Adaptor

Answer: Adaptor

The humans cope with the complexity in a fundamental way using ________
Select one:
a. Object
b. Class
c. Encapsulation
d. Abstraction

Answer: Abstraction

Which of the below instruction-driven interfaces is constructed everywhere a broadly known command language that can be used by the customer to invoke actions?
Select one:
a. a command-control syntax
b. none of the given options
c. a language-based syntax
d. a mnemonic syntax
e. a natural language syntax

Answer: a language-based syntax

An observer pattern does not involve
Select one:
a. Observing changes
b. Notifying changes / events to observers
c. Keeping track of all observers
d. Analyzing observers

Answer: Analyzing observers

Which of the following is NOT a tool that can be used for discovering class behaviors and responsibilities?
Select one:
a. class diagram
b. none of the given options
c. sequence diagram
d. CRC card
e. interface diagram

Answer: interface diagram

Which mechanism is applied to use a design pattern in an OO system?
Select one:
a. None of the mentioned
b. Composition
c. All of the mentioned
d. Inheritance

Answer: All of the mentioned

Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global access point to it.
Select one:
a. Proxy
b. Flyweight
c. Singleton
d. Single Class Factory

Answer: Singleton

Which design pattern would decide mismatched interfaces or provide a steady interface to similar components with different interfaces?
Select one:
a. Mediator
b. Visitor
c. Adapter
d. Controller

Answer: Adapter

Which among these are the rules to be considered to form Class diagrams?
Select one:
a. Attributes and operations can be listed at any suitable place
b. Compartment can be in random order
c. None of the mentioned
d. Class symbols must have at least a name compartment

Answer: Class symbols must have at least a name compartment

Which of the following is(are) human engineering guideline(s)?
Select one:
a. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
b. Anticipate the errors users might make.
c. All of the given options
d. Users should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
e. Use display attributes sparingly.

Answer: All of the given options

Which of the following is not included on a design class diagram?
Select one:
a. navigability
b. dependencies
c. methods with parameters
d. classes
e. entities

Answer: entities

The view which addresses the configuration management of the system’s releases.
Select one:
a. Implementation
b. Use case
c. Design
d. Process

Answer: Use case

Given classes A and B, which of the following is not a common type of coupling in object-oriented software?
Select one:
a. A invokes methods of B
b. A method parameter or local variable in A references B
c. A has an instance variable that refers to B
d. None of the given options
e. A is a direct or an indirect subclass of B

Answer: A is a direct or an indirect subclass of B

Which of the following is important in user interface design?
Select one:
a. D test the system on a limited number of actual users
b. both A and B
c. A practice iterative design
d. C use automated tools in designing user interface
e. B understand your users and their tasks

Answer: both A and B

Which one of the following mechanisms is used to implement generalization?
Select one:
a. Encapsulation
b. Abstraction
c. Polymorphism
d. Inheritance

Answer: Inheritance

With respect to the tone of a dialogue, which of the following should not be used?
Select one:
a. use simple, grammatically correct sentences
b. use abbreviations so that users can read them more quickly
c. be consistent in the use of terminology
d. use simple term
e. use appropriate action verbs

Answer: use abbreviations so that users can read them more quickly

Which of the following diagram is time oriented?
Select one:
a. Collaboration
b. Activity
c. Sequence
d. None of the given options

Answer: Sequence

Who will test the system in agile development?
Select one:
a. Business Analyst
b. Developer
c. All the given options
d. software tester

Answer: All the given options

Arrange the following scrum practices according to the order in which they are carried out. 1. Sprint 2. Daily scrum meet 3. Sprint review meet 4. Sprint retrospective meet 5. Sprint planning
Select one:
a. 5 1 2 3 4
b. 5 4 2 3 1
c. 5 1 2 4 3
d. 5 2 1 3 4

Answer: 5 1 2 3 4

The fact that  similar operation may be applied to two or more classes is named what
Select one:
a. Polymorphism
b. Encapsulation
c. Multiple classification
d. Inheritance

Answer: Polymorphism

Multiplicity is the same as what concept for an ERD?
Select one:
a. Attribute
b. Entity
c. Cardinality
d. Relationship

Answer: Cardinality

During Use Case Analysis, which UML diagrams should you use when allocating use-case behavior to classes?
Select one:
a. sequence and communication diagrams
b. sequence and activity diagrams
c. class and composite structure diagrams
d. use-case and activity diagrams

Answer: sequence and communication diagrams

The object-oriented development life cycle is which of the following?
Select one:
a. Analysis, design, and implementation steps in the given specific order and using multiple iterations.
b. Analysis, design, and implementation steps in the given order and using the steps not more than one time.
c. Analysis, design, and implementation steps in any random order and using multiple iterations.
d. Analysis, design, and implementation steps in any order and using the steps no more than one time.

Answer: Analysis, design, and implementation steps in the given order and using multiple iterations.

Noun-Phrase Approach and CRC Approach are used to identify
Select one:
a. collaborators
b. classes
c. objects
d. Use cases

Answer: classes

Which of the following statements is true about use-case realization?
Select one:
a. It is created by the System Analyst.
b. It lists the different steps performed by a use-case.
c. Its creation is part of the Requirements discipline.
d. It provides traceability from Analysis and Design back to requirements.

Answer: It provides traceability from Analysis and Design back to requirements.

The vertical dimension of a sequence diagram represents
Select one:
a. messages
b. time
c. objects
d. lines

Answer: time

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